Ontario Health Study – Get involved and be a champion!

Ontario Health

Consider participating in the Ontario Health Study.  The Study is one of the largest long-term health studies ever attempted in North America and already nearly 225,000 Ontarians have taken the online survey. The information obtained through the survey will help scientists understand the risk factors and causes of chronic diseases and spur the creation of new prevention strategies and treatments.

Learn more and spread the word!


pCODR and CPAC Tutorial

The Pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer have developed a useful tutorial addressing questions on how cancer drug funding decisions are made in Canada.





November is “Movember”

Focus on men’s health in “Movember” and learn more about education and awareness efforts to raise the profile of cancers effecting men and mental health.

MO13 Download Styleguide  Letter I FA PDF


Ontario Pharmacists give Flu Vaccines

SHOPPERS DRUG MART CORPORATION - Health Minister Deb Matthews Health Minister kicks off flu shot campaign in Ontario




MILLREED Enterprises Ltd. recognizes Canadian Patient Safety week


Ask, Listen, Talk


Introducing MILLREED Enterprises Ltd

MILLREED Enterprises Ltd. launches the website for the healthcare consulting business.  We are a privately held Canadian company providing professional services to public, private and non-profit sector clients.

Our services are designed to help organizations build for tomorrow!
